With more than 20 years in Industry. Orbit Electronic and Telecommunication has proven to be trusted and leading player for Telecom. ELV and IT Networking services in Qatar. Orbit is committed to provide these services to Qatar according to most modern Industry standards. Our professionalism and team strength make s distinguished and well known among the other leading companies in Qatar.
As an approved Specialist Contractor for OORED00,QNBN & KAHRAMAA and QATAR PETROLEUM. Orbit Electronic and Telecommunication has achieved excellence and eased high reputation in the Industry. The Strength of Orbit lies in the interactive cooperation between Telecom service providers and Major Contracting companies.
Our constant strives for improvement. deveLopment of innovative work methods and providing our client.
We are committed to an ambitious value code Humaneness. Equal Opportunity & Ethical in all business dealings.
H.E Dahlan Al Hamad
As one of the top reliable IT / telecom system integrators in Qatar, our client value reflects our reputation, their satisfaction is our priority and the key behind our success".
As we expand our operations and form new partnerships, we are always developing and enhancing the scope and quality of our services. Our Core Values revolve around Integrity, respect, friendliness and being trustworthy.
We offer a full range of network optimization and management with operational support and installation services focused on delivering effective, weft telecom implementation at any stage of a telecom project. We provide cost effective and innova-tive data communications network solutions and installation. Our aim is to design flexible data network solutions to accommo-date future technologies and expansion".
We at Orbit Electronic and Telecommunication are aiming to provide skills and expertise to undertake any project and go along with the vision of Qatar growth, FIFA 2022 and QATAR 2030. Our business divisions led by highly skilled and professional Engineers, Supervisors and Technicians are responsible to undertake and deliver projects on 'TURNKEY BASIS".